Quantum Quattro Silica
The metaphysical properties below are used *with* permission from Kristi Hugs who has written several books on crystals and is, when all is said and done, a crystal person and has been for a long time. You can contact her through her web site KristiHugs.com
For me, this Quantum Quattro Silica is a powerhouse combination! The honey smoky quartz helps to keep one grounded and centered in all situations. There is a feeling of calm confidence and even demeanor. Nothing will rattle you when working with Quantum Quattro Silica. But this, of course, is only half of the story with this stone!
Dioptase and Malachite both have beautiful heart energy while the Chrysocolla and Shattuckite open a line of communication that is clear, concise and honest.
All together, they will aid one in speaking their truth, from the heart, with a calm confidence. Anything communicated will be impactful and insightful to those who choose to hear it. Persons who teach, speak or have a leadership role will see the value of working with Quantum Quattro Silica. There is no ego here, no selfish intent to mislead for personal gain. This energy is incredibly honest and true. The intention behind the actions/words are pure. It is for all, not just a few.
To those who lead others, especially our youth--Quantum Quattro Silica will give them a voice. A voice that will rise above chaos. This stone gives those who work with it a quiet determination to do what needs to be done. Screaming never really works. It only increases the screaming.
The energy of Quantum Quattro Silica exhibits the same humanitarian kindness towards others that occurs when there is a coming together for a cause or from tragedy.
For those who seek wisdom from the dream state, this stone will be of great service. It will connect you to that state easily and effortlessly. Information given will be remembered as will the events that you experienced while in that state. If you have difficulty remembering your dreams, Quantum Quattro Silica can be an aid to assist.
Words--how and when you say them, how you present them, the tone in which they are spoken--are all enhanced in a positive way with Quantum Quattro Silica. Passion tempered with compassion.
Anyone in the care taking/well being field can benefit from Quantum Quattro Silica. Not only will it increase awareness of WHAT you say and how you communicate. It will also increase your desire to LISTEN fully and completely, to pay attention, not only to the words but to the person saying them. So often we rush through a conversation. So much is lost in that rushing. Quantum Quattro Silica is a reminder to be fully present in that moment. In every moment.
It is also a reminder to pay attention! Take off those blinders and pull back the curtain of denial. There is something to be said for taking action. It does not have to be catastrophically loud. Sometimes, the most powerful actions are the quietest.
For those who live with conditions created from trauma--PTSD, Anxiety, Panic Disorder, etc. Quantum Quattro Silica is a wonderful companion to have and hold. The Smokey Quartz keeps you grounded and helps to ease the fear, which the other minerals sooth and calm the body and mind reactions. Your energy field will be filled with feelings of safety and security. This combination helps to ease the reactions caused by the initial trigger/situation.
"This stone has a strong vibration towards self-care. Self-care is so important! We have spoken of this before. How can you help others if you do not help yourself first? You cannot. That is the answer. It is not selfish at all. Taking care of the body, heart and soul is taking care of Divine Source."
Quantum Quattro Silica will aid in any issues to do with the heart, lungs, neck and face.
"You have work to do, so get going. We have kept you long enough."
This combination stone is all about TRUTH. Truth of action, truth of intention and above all, truth to self. Do your words ring true? How you speak and what you say offers insight into the content of your character. some of the most difficult conversations can be the ones where your truth must be expressed.
This crystal combination is associated with the heart chakra, second heart chakra (Thymus) and throat. Words from the heart are the truest of true!
Work with this stone to ease fear, sooth grief and fill the soul with hope.
This stone aids in communication with the wise ones on the higher planes of existence. Use this stone to raise your vibration, clearing the way for a more concise conversation or sharing of information.
Angelic presence, guardians and guides may also be accessed with this combination. Clarity and heightened awareness can also be strengthened when using this combination.
Use this crystal for all types of dream time work. It will enhance direct dreaming as well as astral travel experiences. Often, when the conscious mind is shutdown (sleeping), the subconscious, that part which receives information via dreams is wide open, allowing free access to contents directly from Source, much in the same way as healing is received while the body is at rest (asleep).
Those who experience anxiety issues (panic disorder, PTSD, etc) would benefit from the calming and soothing vibrations of this stone. It truly will soothe the soul.
For those in the teaching and speaking fields, work with this stone to find "words aplenty" and ease of delivery.
Use this stone to help work through disagreements. It will aid in soothing tempers and encouraging civilized dialogue.
Physically, use this combination stone to ease lung issues, such as emphysema and COPD. It may also aid in issues of the esophagus (GERD) and throat.
From MetaphysicalRealm1.com - Quantum Quattro is a combination of Chrysocolla, Shattuckite, Ajoite, and Smokey Quartz. You might also find Malachite, Dioptase, Cuprite, and so on. All of these minerals grow together in massive "rocks", and if you look on the holistic side of things, even if there was not an atom of Dioptase, for example, in the piece you have, that piece would still carry the energy of the Dioptase, because it "grows" somewhere in the massive "rock".
Ajoite is a lovely turquoise or aqua. The middle syllable of Ajoite is "joy", and this is truly a high vibration joyous crystal. It is most often found in combination with Quartz, which is rare enough, and you do sometimes see Ajoite phantoms within Quartz crystals. Ajoite joins the Heart Chakra and the Throat Chakra ("feel the truth" and "speak the truth") and allows you to speak what is in your heart. Ajoite brings peace to you and allows you to joyously accept your life. You can rid yourself of negatives, including self-hostility. It allows you to truly become the "I AM".
Cuprite is often found in Chrysocolla combinations, especially in Chrysocolla from Peru. This crystal is orangy-red and works on the Root Chakra and the Navel Chakra. Cuprite is excellent for courage! It is also grounding and protecting. It can alleviate worry, especially in situations we have no control over.
Dioptase is the most delightful green with a touch of blue. This crystal cleanses all of the Chakras and brings their vibration up. This crystal connects the physical body to the ethereal body which also raises your vibration up. It teaches you how important today is--how we do, in truth, only have today right now. When put on the Third Eye Chakra, Dioptase can help you solve problems, showing you not only what needs to be done but how to do it, if needed. This crystal can help you remember some of your past lives.
If you allow yourself to feel "lack" in your life, this crystal will help you see how rich your life truly is and how much you have to be grateful for. Dioptase will also show you how to use your resources (i.e., brain, heart) to get to a place where you do not suffer the lack of what you need to live better. It even helps you get in touch with the Universal Energy for help to change your circumstances.
Chrysocolla is one of the beautiful crystals in the aqua/turquoise color range. It has so many wonderful properties, including healing. The Chrysocolla from Peru is my special favorite. One of the best things about the Peruvian Chrysocolla is that you can find so many things besides Chrysocolla--Cuprite, Lepidocrocite, Hematite, Malachite, Native Silver, and so on...
Chrysocolla works best on the Base Chakra, Navel Chakra, Solar Plexus Chakra, and Throat Chakra. It helps the Heart Chakra to ease emotional heartache. This crystal gives you a great capacity to love. It can renew your strength and restore balance to your life. Chrysocolla can bring you great inner strength to help you get through very stressful or even long-term stressful situations. This crystal promotes initiative and eliminates negative energy from your person. This crystal is another very good healing crystal--allowing you to tune in to the perfection of the Universe and allowing you to see what is necessary to realign the physical, emotional, and intellectual bodies towards a state of good health.
Shattuckite can be dark to light blue in color. This crystal provides us with both strength and courage. Shattuckite excels in aiding you to channel, providing a very clear channel once you connect. Shattuckite is very protecting, even during channeling. This crystal stimulates the intellect, bringing you more clarity. Shattuckite works with both the Throat Chakra and the Third Eye Chakra. Shattuckite is a really incredible healer. So many of the really good healing crystals are in the blue, green, and blue/green color ranges. My personal favorites are the blue/greens.
Blue Healers are connected to the Spiritual Chakras (Heart Chakra on up), so they heal at a higher vibration of energy. Healing spiritually raises our energy level significantly and allows that high energy to drift down into the lower bodies--Physical, Emotional, and Intellectual, healing all at once. Azurite, Shattuckite, Lapis Lazuli, Lazurite (the blue in Lapis Lazuli), and Lazulite are more of these glorious Blue Healers. Many of the Blue Healers are very rare, but Lapis Lazuli was well known, even in ancient Egypt. The addition of Copper makes blue, green, and blue-green crystals, but the blue is the rarest.
Malachite is a very good healer, but it can lose its shiny finish when applied directly to the area of the body that needs help, and it will sometimes turn white after it has done its job of healing. Bullseye Malachite is the most sought after--the irregular circles of greens are quite spectacular. Malachite is a Crystal of Transformation. It is useful for clearing and activating all of the Chakras, but especially for the Heart Chakra and Throat Chakra. Malachite allows us to release negative experiences that we do not have in our conscious memory.
Smokey Quartz is most effective on the Solar Plexus Chakra as well as the Minor Chakras of the Hands and Feet. (Every healer knows the Chakras of the Hand and Feet are not Minor Chakras!) It dispels negative emotions (anger, resentment, and negative thought patterns), emotional blockages, and negative energy. This crystal also provides excellent protection and grounding. It's a very good crystal to use for meditation. This crystal's energy is gentle, and it takes time to do its work.